Happy Halloween


Walk for Life - Email John Collart if you're interested in making the trip to Washington D.C. Jan 24 - Jan 25 (collart@bex.net)

Mission Groups - Check out your new tab above for announcements and events!

Adult Volunteers - Check out your new tab with new info and schedules!


As we study the Rosary prayer this year, we are asking each student, adult, family member, friend, and supporter to dedicate just 10 minutes a day and start praying one decade.  It's an amazing prayer we can share as a group and carry with us for the rest of our lives.  Pray it alone, in pairs or groups.  Download an APP on your phone! Give it a try and let us know your experience!

Are you ready for next week?  We will start to take a closer look at the Luminous Mysteries - The Baptism of the Lord, The Wedding of Cana, The Proclamatino of the Kingdom, The Transfiguration, The Instiutuion of the Eucharist. Give a thought or two to these small group questions...
1) Why was Jesus baptized?
2) How has your baptism changed your everday life?
3) Mary said at the Wedding of Cana, "Do whatever He tells you." What is the significance of this? What does it mean in relation to your life?


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