
Showing posts from February, 2017

Confirmation Reminders

Just a reminder that the Confirmation service hour form and Decision Point Workbooks are due this Friday 3/3. I will have a box to collect them before we leave on retreat.

Koinonia Registration

Please remember to get your Koinonia Registration in ASAP! The retreat starts two weeks from tomorrow (March 3-5). The registration form and retreat participant letter can be downloaded from this blog (under the "forms" tab). Also, once registered, parents should receive a letter addressed specifically to them about the retreat. Please make sure to read this letter, as it contains time-sensitive information.

2nd Fri Social Reminder

Tomorrow is our next 2nd Friday social 9-11pm at the Rock. High school teens are invited to join us for basketball, volleyball, board games, snacks and hang out. After tomorrow, we won't have another social until April - the March social has to be canceled due to the parish auction setup in the gym. Hope to see you there!

Altaration: Starting March 8th

Here is another trailer for the awesome DVD/discussion series we will be offering this Lent - "Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed." We will be meeting during Lent for 5 weeks: Wednesdays March 8th to April 5th from 8-9:15pm @ 317 Williams St. Huron, OH (Blackwell's house). All teens are invited. No registration is required, but an RSVP is appreciated so we know how many to expect.