And a Blessed New Year!
We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and the snow that followed!
We only have a few hours left of 2012 - are you ready? What's your resolution? More prayer perhaps? Possibly a decade of the Rosary? Let's hand it over to God and celebrate once again that He has given us each other and the gift of His Son! Check out the links to the side for rosary resources and the daily readings if you're still searching for that perfect resolution!
We are very excited to be sending a group to Washington for the 'Right to Life' March. If you are attending, be sure to get all the paperwork in and if you have any questions feel free to email John Collart at
Mark your calendars! Koinonia will be March 1st - 3rd. Keep your eyes open for the sign up sheet at the next few youth group meetings (the confirmation canidates will receive the first spots and the remainder fill up quickly after that!)
Steubenville will be June 29-30th. If you are interested keep those dates clear on your calendar!
YES will be June 12-16. Get ready for a great few days of hard work and fellowship! If you know of any college student who are interested in being leaders let us know!
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