Rain Rain Go Away
Again, welcome to our new blog viewers. We are continuing our collection of emails so please pass this blog along to any and all who are interested! Thanks to Mission Group B for the great youth group covering the first three Glorious Mysteries (and of course for the cake - yum!) We look forward to our last youth group on May 5th to finish up our study of the Rosary. Wow - this year has flown! A few announcements - Confirmation Canidates - THERE HAS BEEN A TIME CHANGE FOR CONFIRMATION. PLEASE BE AT THE CATHEDRAL SEATED BY 10:30 AM - MASS BEGINS AT 11 AM!! Mission Groups will be meeting this week to plan Graduation Mass. GRADUATION MASS IS ON MAY 19TH AT 10:30 AM. SPREAD THE WORD. I hope everyone splashed in a puddle today! :)