
Hey - where did the warm weather go?
Summer youth group got off to a great start last night!  Thanks to all who came and joined the fun.  We're strolling through the New Testament and began with attempting to put the 27 books in order.  Could you do this if you tried??
Split into teams, the kids hunted the parking lots for scattered paper with the New Testament books.  Each team then tried to organize the books in order.

After a few hints, each team figured it out and we headed over to the Pied for a little treat and discussion.

Next week we take our adventures to Nickleplate.  We hope to see you there!

Other events you may be interested this summer are:
         EXCLAIM - a free concert event in Toledo on July 28th.  More info at
         PointFest -  concerts at Cedar Point on Sept 14th.

If you plan to join us this summer at anytime PLEASE bring your permission slip signed so you can ride in our cars. Find it here or on the forms page.

YES  applications are still available.  Click here or find it on the forms page. Turn it in at St. Peter's office ASAP! Thanks.


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