Are you ready?
We are so excited to share everything we have going on right now…buckle your seat belts!
YOUTH MASS is this weekend. Be there to celebrate and learn more about mass as Father Jeff leads us on our journey to grow closer to Christ. Mass starts at 6 PM. A youth group meal and meeting follows after mass
Parent Session 1 – our first parent session will be immediately following youth mass in the chapel. Our brave leaders, Mary Murphy and Kelly Lamb, will be leading discussion about Mass as our teens will continue to explore this celebration during youth group this year. Senior high AND junior high parents are invited to join this session! Spread the word!
New Day is THIS SATURDAY. If you’re looking for a service opportunity or just looking for a great thing to do on Saturday 11am – 2pm come check it out. Let Ray know if you’re interested in attending and need a way to get to Sandusky!
Instead of our usual youth group meeting on Nov 3rd, we will be traveling as a youth group to Medina, OH to watch the UNITED WE STAND concert! What better way to celebrate christian music than to go check it out! We are SUPER excited about this event and encourage everyone to attend and bring a friend!
Ticket cost: $10 per person (BRING THIS SUNDAY!)
Medical Release Form is HERE (if you haven’t turned it in yet this year)
**Parents** we are looking for drivers. Please see the permission slip! Your ticket will be free if you drive!
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