Confirmation Announcements
April 6th – Planning Night
YOU are invited. Yup, yup, uh-huh – EVERYONE is invited! This night is all about review and planning for NEXT YEAR.
Freshman come and tell us what you want for CSI next year. Now’s your chance to let your voice be heard!
CSI/Juniors – Get a taste of solid leadership and meet with the juniors to comment on this year and toss around ideas for next year!
Seniors – Get ready, here it comes – Graduation Mass! Yikes. Let us know what you have in mind for this amazing send off Mass.
We hope to see each and every one of you there!
‘A New Day at St. Peters’
registration forms are found on the right panel. Please fill yours out today and turn it into the office!
The long awaited day for our confirmation candidates has finally arrived! We will be lifting you up in prayer on Saturday as you are sealed and strengthened with the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
A few things to keep in mind for Saturday…
We have received an announcement concerning traffic flow at the Cathedral. Please be aware that people WILL NOT be allowed to park on Collingwood Blvd. There will be a security officer helping direct traffic (and possible overflow parking available on Parkwood Ave so please be aware and plan to leave a few minutes earlier than you expected! A map is below…
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