
Showing posts from September, 2014


The anticipation is killing me!! I know, I know,  just one more week to wait until our first YOUTH GROUP meeting on Oct 5th!  Team Members - please join us this Sunday (beginning in the chapel) from 7-9pm to continue our planning!  We look forward to all your creative and amazing input (yea I'm talking about the robes!) Don't forget your homework - *short opening/closing prayers* and *t-shirt ideas*  See you there! Confirmation News: Attention Parents and High School Students: If you missed our first meeting at the barn mass, it is NOT too late to begin the Confirmation process. Please feel free to contact Dawn Bauman (419) 357-4217 or Mary Ellen Longnecker (419) 271-4628 to learn about the program. Information can also be found on the Confirmation Tab above  . Our first Candidate , Sponsor , Parent meeting will be held on Sunday, October 12 th , at 11:45 in the Gathering Space. Confirmation registration will be completed at that time...

TEAM PLANNING - Juniors and Seniors

Juniors and Seniors - join us tonight (beginning in the chapel with prayer) to finish planning our kick off youth group!! Add your sparkle and shine to each topic and we dive into these tough questions!  We hope to see you there.


  Welcome new and experienced, young and old!  We hope you had a great night at the Barn Mass!  Thanks to all the kids and parents who attended. What a beautiful night! What’s next you ask?? Well, it’s time to paddle ourselves down a river . Would you like to join us this Sunday? We leave the church parking lot after 10:30 am Mass and return around 8 pm. The cost is $25 and includes transportation,canoe rental, and dinner.  (Please pack a lunch!!) You can download the permission form HERE and the medical release form HERE . You won’t want to miss it!  Email us if you want to go but can’t get the forms to us until this weekend! Have a blessed weekend and do something kind for someone unsuspecting  


  Join us for Mass with the cows   Just Kidding (well about the cows anyway)   Join us for Mass at 5pm at the Hemmingers’   (1118 E Fox Rd, Huron) to kick off an amazing year with the youth group!   The whole family is welcome and encouraged to stay for Mass and after!  There will be a parent meeting following Mass full of information about our upcoming year! Teens - bring a friend!  It's a great night to introduce someone new to the group.  Paint some rocks and eat some s’mores!