Palm Sunday Youth Group News
Spring Break can't come too quickly - is it seriously snowing? Team Planning is this Sunday at the Cencer House (1013 Harborview Dr) from 7-9pm. Come relax and review the year. Looking ahead, we have 2 more youth groups and Graduation Mass! Confirmation Candidates - you should have everything turned in and ready to go. Confirmation in May 2nd! Let us know if you have any questions. That's all for now. We pray this week holds a special time of renewal in your life. Be listening for what Christ wants you to let go and make room for HIM! Summer Plans?? We have some great opportunities! YES TO NEW DAY is scheduled for June 10th - June 13th. Registration is due by May 16th. If you are interested in this fantastic service experience, please turn in your form quickly. We will be opening registration to other communities this year. REGISTRATION HERE STEUBENVILLE will be held June 26th-28th. The dep...