Upcoming Weekend Youth Group News

As we all are preparing for a wonderful and exciting time of year, here are a few things approaching quickly :)....

Saturday, May 16th - New Day Food Distribution Day. An awesome opportunity to get familiar with the place and people we serve during our upcoming mission project - 'YES to New Day'.  Arrive at 10:45 am in Sandusky.  If you need more info or a ride let us know!

Yes to New Day - register now if you are interested in joining us in June for a few days of painting and cleaning for those who need it most in our community.

For those already signed up (or anyone else willing to lend a hand), we are looking for volunteers to hold the donation cans at the back of church this weekend following all the Masses.  If you can spare a few minutes please text Mary (419.357.5053)  or reply to this email so we know who can be there to collect the much appreciated donations on Saturday and Sunday!

Speaking of this weekend, we hope to see everyone from far and wide at 10:30am on Sunday for

Graduation Mass  Come support our graduating seniors as we send them off with special blessings.

If you have any questions regarding any of this info, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Prayers and Blessings from your Youth Ministry Team :) 


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