
Showing posts from August, 2016


Few reminders of upcoming events and deadlines... Canoe Trip (Sept 18): Submit emergency medical release, permission slip and $25 by next Friday (9/9) to reserve your spot. Extra forms are available here. 2nd Friday Social : High school teens are invited to join us for our 2nd Friday social Friday 9/9 from 9-11pm at the Rock. Barn Mass: Make sure to mark your calendar for our kick-off barn mass Sunday 9/11 (a week from this Sunday) from 5-8pm at 1118 Fox Rd.

Prayer for start of school

As we prepare to start another school year, please join me in praying for all our students, faculty, staff and parents, especially those starting anew (freshmen, transfer students, new staff, and recent graduates headed off to college or starting jobs). May God bless them and guide them. Prayer to Begin a School Year God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit. Be with our youth as they begin a new school year. Bless them and their teachers and staff. Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding; and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Adult Volunteers Meeting

If you or anyone you know is interested in being an adult volunteer for this year's Youth Group, please plan on coming to an informational meeting this Sunday from 7-9pm at St. Peter's (starting in the Chapel). We are in need of both regular Sunday volunteers and occasional volunteers to help with extra activities and events. Thank you for considering giving of your time and talents for our youth.

2nd Friday Social - All Teens Welcome!

Youth Group teens and their friends are invited to join us for our first 2nd Friday Social of the year, this Friday 8/12 from 9-11pm at the Rock . We will have snacks and games (gym games and board games) for everyone to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to catch up with friends, and make some new ones. Hope to see you there!