
Showing posts from January, 2017

March for Life a Success!

Last Friday our Youth Group joined a bus of 50 local teens and adult leaders to attend the 44th annual March for Life in Washington, DC. Once there, we joined approximately 1/2 million marchers from around the country giving voice to the voiceless. Since the legalization of abortion with Roe vs. Wade Jan 22, 1973 nearly 60 million babies have been aborted in this country.

Virtus Training next Youth Group

Our next youth group (2/12/17) we will be covering the topic "Theology of the Body," and will be incorporating the Diocesan required "Safe Touching" program by Virtus. This program covers topics pertaining to safe and unsafe touching, having healthy boundaries, and knowing who to talk to. Parents have the right to opt their teen out of this program by not sending them to youth group this evening. Confirmation parents will need to inform the youth director if this is their preference, as it may affect the youth group attendance requirement for Confirmation.

Confirmation Meeting this Sunday!

A reminder that our next mandatory Confirmation meeting for candidates, parents and sponsors is this Sunday (1/29) at 11:45am in the Gathering Space. Brunch provided. We will review some basic facts about Confirmation, have small group discussions, and assess where we are at in the preparation process. I will also have a couple new forms to distribute. If you absolutely cannot attend this meeting, please contact Colleen asap to schedule a makeup ( youth or 419-433-5725). 

Sunday's Youth Group - bring pillows!

This Sunday is the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion 44 years ago. Youth group this Sunday will focus on life issues, and we will be watching a pro-life Christian film called "Bella" (it is not boring, I promise). Teens are welcome to bring blankets/pillows for watching the movie.

Altaration... Coming Lent 2017!

  So excited to offer this amazing series on the Mass  Stay tuned for more details... Get excited!  

Koinonia Planning

Koinonia planning kicks off tonight. Confirmed teens are invited and encouraged to join us at 7pm in St. Peter's Library. We will be introducing our topic "Made for Greatness," based on the story of Zaccheaus the tax collector.

Men's Retreat Opportunity

If there are any males in the Confirmation program who are not able to attend our Koinonia retreat March 3-5, I encourage you to consider signing up for the next TEC retreat Jan 14-16. This time only it is being offered at a discounted rate of $70. Of course you also are welcome to attend this retreat in addition to Koinonia if you feel so moved.   Here is a link to a brochure with more information (or you can contact me):

Service Opportunity

An elderly parishioner is in need of help sorting, packing and cleaning in preparation for moving. Contact the parish office or Colleen if interested (419-433-5725).