
Showing posts from May, 2017

2nd Friday Social

Join us tomorrow (Fri) 9-11pm in the Rock for snacks and games. All high school teens welcome!

Congratulations to our Confirmands!

More pictures available here:

New Pictures Site

Click the "Pictures" tab above or follow this link to our new Shutterfly site where I will upload any pictures I take or people send me.

Final Youth Group May 7

Please join us this Sunday (May 7th) from 7-9pm for the final youth group of the year. Our topic is vocations. We will be looking at how our vocation supports living out our identity as sons and daughters of God. We will have some special guest speakers joining us, so make sure to check it out!

Confirmation Wednesday

One last reminder that Confirmation is this Wednesday at 7pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo. Candidates and Sponsors should be in their assigned seats by 6:30pm. The rest of the Cathedral will be open seating. Anyone is welcome to attend.