
Showing posts from September, 2017

First Anchored Youth Night

Join us this Sunday for our first Anchored Youth Night as we kick-off our year on the topic "Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Christ." Mass it at 6pm followed by dinner and our youth night from 7-9pm.

Canoeing Pictures

Check out the "pictures" tab above for more pictures from our canoe trip.

Last Chance to Register for Canoeing!

A few spots are still available for our annual Canoe Trip happening this Sunday 9/17 (11:45am-8pm). Permission slips & emergency medical release forms available in the narthex or on the "forms" tab above. We will leave after 10:30 am Mass from St. Peter's and return around 8pm. Please bring a change of clothes and a bag lunch (we'll stop for pizza for dinner - included in registration).