Parents: Invitation to Catholic Speaker

Dear parents, We want to give you a special invitation to a unique event on March 3 rd , at St. Michael Church, 750 Bright Rd, Findlay, from 9:00am-1:00pm. This event is especially geared toward you as busy parents. The speaker, Dr. John R. Wood, is an eye doctor from All Saints parish in New Riegel, and is a nationally known speaker and bestselling author of the book, Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission . He is 38 years old and he and his wife Kristin (Our second grade PRE teacher) have four children between the ages of 6 and 13. John and Kristin also run the BLAST program. At this event, John will show you how Catholicism can help you in everything you do. It can make you better parents, spouses, business people, athletes, and friends. Simply put, he shares how Catholicism is the best way to live, and the greatest gift you can hand on to your children. John will share practical tips and resources that have helped him, as a busy parent and lay Catholic, to learn and fall in l...