Back to reality…


I hope everyone is adjusting well to our new schedules, buses on the road and sports on the fields!

Here at St. Peter’s, we are adjusting to many new faces and activities.  We look forward to getting to know Father Jeff McBeth better throughout the year and are excited to get youth group started this fall.

TEAM LEADERSthis includes all juniors and seniors.  Join us THIS SUNDAY AUG 25 from 7-9 pm in the gathering space for our first planning meeting.  We will be introducing our theme and getting into planning teams.  We hope to see you there!

CANOE TRIP!  Everyone is welcome to join us on Sept 8th for an adventure down the river.  Find the permission slip and additional info HERE.

Please also fill out the medical release form as soon as possible – 

found HERE.


BARN MASS –  Students and Parents are invited to attend our kick off event at the Hemminger property (1118 E Fox Rd Huron, OH)

Sept 15th  5-8 pm

Parent meeting follows mass

As always, if you have any questions please let us know!


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