Team Planning is on Sunday night in the library- any juniors or seniors that would like to help plan Youth Group nights are welcome!

Also, MOREmercy will have their first meeting in the Cafeteria on Sunday night from 7-9. MOREmercy is a new Sophomore-led group that will help plan/coordinate seven service projects that are related to the seven corporal works of mercy (the seven corporal works of mercy: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, bury the dead, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, visit the imprisoned, and shelter the homeless).Sophomores- we want your help so that these events can be impactful and FUN for all who come to participate!

Finally- we invite any High School student interested in art to come and help us on Sunday night in the Art Room. We're making large panels depicting different biblical scenes and we need people who like to draw and paint!!

Hope to see you Sunday!


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