March for Life 2017

St. Peter's Youth Group will be joining teens from Milan, Norwalk & Fremont on a bus trip to Washington DC for the annual March for Life Jan 26-27, 2017.

Space is limited, and seats will be filled on a first come first serve basis, so please get you checks & permission slips in soon - to Colleen or St. Peter's office.

The cost of the trip is $95, but we don't want the cost to keep anyone from going, so please contact us if money is an issue (John Collart - 419-357-4484 or Colleen Wellington - 419-433-5725).

This trip will cover the service hours requirement for Confirmation students. However, please note that this trip does require missing one day of school, and it may be cancelled due to weather.

Please see our "links" tab for more information and a permission slip (also available in the narthex).


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