
Showing posts from November, 2017

Hosting Spark

           Hello St Peter Families, Our parish holds a monthly adoration event called .  Ignite is focused on building a parish that is a community of intentional disciples, sharing our joys and challenges, helping each other keep our lives focused on Jesus Christ.  During the first part of Ignite participants use a provided copy of the “LiveIT Gathering Guide” to read the Sunday readings and discuss them with members of their table.  Individuals, families, and groups of friends are encouraged to use the “LiveIt Gathering Guide” offered at Mass Impact – Not another program. A way of life in Jesus Christ. ( and sit down together to read the mass readings for the week and then talk about them in their own home or gathering location.  I encourage you to check it out.  It is a total game changer!  The second part of the Ignite event is adoration of Jesus Christ, present in the eucharist, wit...

Cherry Street Mission

As you are pulling out your Christmas decorations this year, please remember to donate any extra or unwanted items to St. Peter to help us bring some Christmas cheer to the homeless.   Teens wishing to participate, please remember to turn in a permission slip (forms tab above or in the narthex)   Decorating takes place Friday, Dec 1st (8:30am-3:30pm). HHS parents must call students off school by 8:30 that morning. Other schools should check your policy (usually send a letter to the office).   Day of Cherry Street, please bring money for lunch and if possible a new hat or gloves as a donation.        

Advent Study Series?

For those who are attentive to the calendar, you might have noticed an Advent Scripture Study series tentatively scheduled to start later this month. The plan was to have a small group study in someone's home, but I'm lacking both the teens who were originally interested in this and a home to host. I'm happy to host at my place, but it is a 20 minute drive from Huron and I'm guessing that would be a deterrent. I'm thinking about holding off, and maybe trying again during Lent. I'd appreciate your feedback on this - you can comment here or message Colleen. Thanks!

Cherry Street Forms Available

High School teens are invited to join us Friday, Dec 1st 8:30-3:30 as we decorate the Cherry Street Mission in Toledo. Click the forms tab above for permission slip and instructions for getting an excused absence from school. Forms are also available in the narthex.

Movie Monday Tonight!

Our next Movie Monday is tonight 6-9pm at the Rock. We'll be watching La La Land and discussing the "ache of our hearts." Snacks and drinks provided. Blankets recommended, as it gets cool in the gym.